The Next Aid/Relief/Stimulus Legislation to Include Long-Term Economic Fixes

We should also include the recognition and solutions for our troublesome social issues, including women and minority rights plus the homeless problem as some of our cities, like Los Angeles, have begun to address. Perhaps, this could be part of the next stimulus using the federal government’s economic powers but without unnecessary ‘pork-barreling’. Sooner hopefully, Congress working together and not as partisan politics can begin to address these ‘delicate’ issues, which are extremely important in confronting our ‘out-of-control; and most concerning, priority social problems and unrest. Money goes a long way for many of our people are without adequate food and worried about having a roof over their heads.

The Next Aid/Relief/Stimulus Legislation to Include Long-Term Economic Fixes
Bruce Willard Barren on LinkedIn • 2 min read
By Paul Ebeling on June 6, 2020